The concept is simple, a photograph a day for an entire year. Why? I see this as a way to work on my photography, tell my story in a creative way, and keep my sanity with something that'll be constant and unchanging for 2012.

I'll be posting "sparks" at the beginning of each month which will be categories of photo taking, or aspects of photo taking that I can work on; things that'll spark ideas for each month's photography.

So here it is, photography in my life, of my life, about my life. Enjoy! <3

Friday, January 6, 2012


Day 6: A photograph of your favorite night.

I didn't even have to think twice about this one. This past summer I went to the Taking Back Sunday concert with my friends Olivia and Joe. This is one of my all time favorite bands, and I went with two of my all time best friends. Hands down, the best concert EVER. (And that's saying something, because I am a concert junkie.) I got close to some pretty cool people, reeaaally close. I mean, we shared sweat because we were so close.... One of the best stage performances I've ever seen. Fantastic atmosphere at one of my favorite concert venues. And if that wasn't enough, I almost died. Like really.... I was at the front gate for the entire time that TBS was playing, and I guess passed out. I remember the security guard lifting me out of the crowd and in front of the stage, then I remember being at the medical station. It was very bizarre, but definitely made the night more memorable. Also, while I was at the med station backstage, Adam Lazarra come back there and I probably passed out again.... Which brings me to my last case in point. Adam Lazarra, future husband. Say it with me, boys and girls. (: I know some of you might have noticed his wedding ring in the photo below..... But that is a mere bump in the road. We definitely fell in love this night. I mean, we made eye contact at least 7 times! And look at the photo! He purposely posed just for me, I know it. Anyway, he's my future husband and he'll come back for me when he's done touring...

Random after thought: And thanks to Mac for pointing out that my head looks really big in this photo...


1 comment:

  1. This was hands down one of my favorite nights. :) Taking Back Sunday is always amazing!! Aaaaand, your near death experience only added to the intensity of that night. Love you!!

    P.S. I called Adam before you were even born. So, you can have him after me. Good luck to ya. ;)
