The concept is simple, a photograph a day for an entire year. Why? I see this as a way to work on my photography, tell my story in a creative way, and keep my sanity with something that'll be constant and unchanging for 2012.

I'll be posting "sparks" at the beginning of each month which will be categories of photo taking, or aspects of photo taking that I can work on; things that'll spark ideas for each month's photography.

So here it is, photography in my life, of my life, about my life. Enjoy! <3

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Day 26: A photograph of something you love.

These guys. I know that they'll always be there for me. Because honestly, they've got no choice! (; Sometimes animals are nicer that humans because they aren't selfish, or whiny, or rude, or annoying. Animals are loving. Sometimes, I prefer animals much more than humans....

I love my dog, Squattie.
I love my rabbit, Niggy.
