The concept is simple, a photograph a day for an entire year. Why? I see this as a way to work on my photography, tell my story in a creative way, and keep my sanity with something that'll be constant and unchanging for 2012.

I'll be posting "sparks" at the beginning of each month which will be categories of photo taking, or aspects of photo taking that I can work on; things that'll spark ideas for each month's photography.

So here it is, photography in my life, of my life, about my life. Enjoy! <3

Friday, January 27, 2012


Day 27: A photograph of somewhere you'd love to travel.

Anywhere, everywhere, just somewhere.. Honestly, I want to spend the rest of my life traveling. I'm just in a bad mood. So I'm not as excited about this as I usually am.. I can't wait until this bloody month is over. I want to post photos of the way I see every day life, not just stupid factual photos of the person I am. I know no one really cares anyway. I want to show you guys my photography. Blahhhhh.

We'll just say this, I want to go somewhere where I can help people. Somewhere I can change lives and really make a difference. That's where I want to go..


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