Tonight. Was. Fantastic.
And I know you want to know every single insignificant detail. So let me just tell you..
Tonight there was a free Mac Miller concert in Ogden as part of the Winter Dew Tour, and the whole week I was supa pumped to go with my friends. Then on Wednesday I realized it was also the night of "That Totally Awesome 80s Concert" which I happened to be performing in. So that raised a bit of a conflict... I decided to be a good student and all, and do the right thing, which was to sing in the 80s concert like I was supposed to.
I broke out my leg warmers and denim mini skirt, cut my shirt to fall over my shoulders, and put my hair in the highest ponytail possible. Right out of the 80s, baby. And I went to the concert, blah blah blah. Anyway, it ended up being the funnest (it's a word in my dictionary) thing of my life. By far the best concert I've ever been in. My parents, grandfather, and boyfriend all came to it and then took me out to dinner afterwards. Soooo fun. The only horrible thing was that I didn't get one photograph of the night's shananagans! ):
Later that night while I was packing up to spend the weekend at my parents' house, I realized I hadn't taken any photographs and just took a phone photo with the retro shirt I was wearing to bed. So what if that button-down is totally 70s instead of 80s? It's my blog, I can do whatever I want. (:
(And I promise I'm wearing spandex with that shirt, it just doesn't really look like it..)